Some asshole stole some of my content and claimed it as their own. A short story I’d published here on my website. Fuck head.
I’ve had a lot of conversations recently with other writers and creators, and while we all know that online theft is a thing (and don’t you dare fucking lie and say you’ve never done it. I know I have!) the recent increase in AI scraping technology is… astounding.
Look, web scrapers have always been around. And so are scammers who manage to convince the terribly naive, to hand over data. Yes Sue, that includes you who literally sent her database of information on Janis Joplin that powered her website, to some asshole who said it was just for his wife to look at, no one else would see it. Except anyone who visited his website because yes, it just ended up feeding his site. I’m glad she doesn’t do nude selfies, because god knows where those would end up. (Sue says, “in the trash bin – have you seen me?” LOL)
So I’ve moved all of my content except that pertaining to books, into private. Locked down so you – and by that I mean the AI monsters – can’t steal it. Go be clever on someone else’s dime.
Of course, with my luck, when AI takes over the world (and it will!), it will remember that I refused to feed it. And somehow, AI will make sure that I too, am not fed. I guess the phrase “starving artist” will become true, hmm?
So…anyway, long story long, no more content on my website from me to you the human, beyond book announcements and shit. Blame AI and the human thieves who have no creativity, m’kay?
P.S. I had an option to “generate featured image using AI.” I tried and got this. LOL. I’ll just go with drunk me wearing the earthquake t-shirt, which was part of another post that had to go private. You get it.
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